I.I. Mechnikov’s NWSMU held 2024/2025 advertising campaign in India

From 10 to 20 May 2024, Ms. Nataliya Koroleva, Head of International Department of I.I. Mechnikov’s NWSMU, visited India to promote our University for Indian applicants.

Why Russian medical education is valued in India:

  • the combination of classical and innovative methods of medical training is compliant with the international standards;
  • English instruction, which gives students a wide range of opportunities to choose the country of their medical practice;
  • I.I. Mechnikov’s NWSMU is listed in the prestigious international rankings – THE and QS, and thus providing more employment opportunities for our graduates in different countries.

Ms. Nataliya Koroleva, Head of International Department of I.I. Mechnikov’s NWSMU, visited lots of schools from different cities of India: Delhi, Patna, Srinagar, Chandigarh, Jaipur and Mumbai.

At the meetings, Ms. Nataliya Koroleva presented our University, met with school graduates and parents and answered their questions about admission.

